Tax laws are becoming increasingly complicated to calculate and file tax returns. Unless you are trained to prepare tax returns, you will surely benefit from the work of a tax professional. If you are ready to overlook deductions and credits available to you in order to save a professional tax counselor’s fee, you may make a serious mistake that may invite IRS’s or your state’s tax department’s wrath. Starting at $49, our fees are only a little higher thana good tax preparation software. Even the best tax preparation program cannot replace the knowledge of a tax professional. We can prepare tax returns for individuals, proprietorships, partnerships, limited liability companies, and tax-exempt entities. We know what to look for when we prepare your return. We will answer all your questions as we prepare your returns and you have someone to ask questions of during the rest of the year. Our team can prepare your individual tax returns and tax extension. We also help you accurately estimate your next year’s taxes and avoid costly underpayment penalties.
We can handle all aspects of your small business tax preparation, filing/e-filing your returns. We handle taxes for all types of small businesses. We can help you find all tax credits and deductions available to your type of business to bring down your tax liabilities. We can also work with you throughout the year in making decisions that involve tax implications (such as purchasing vs. leasing equipment). Our team stays current with tax laws. If you fear you will miss the federal and state tax deadlines, we can take responsibility to remind you about your federal and state tax deadlines. If you are a client, we can file an automatic extension for your business if you are unable to make a payment on time.
Receiving an Audit letter from the IRS or the department of taxation in your stateis no less than a nightmare even if you know you filed your returns honestly. If nothing else, it will take significant time away from your business and family as you dig into your records and make sense of tax laws. If you are having problems with IRS or the department of taxation in your state, our team can help you come out of the misery that the IRS can put you through. We are not only efficient but also affordable and discreet. If you owe the IRS or the department of revenue in your state, not attending to it will make it worse. The IRS will follow you relentlessly as interest and penalties are added each day unless you pay or resolve it with them to their satisfaction. We can help you resolve your tax problem with the IRS or the department of revenue in your state before they make your life miserable and literally ruin all aspects of your life. In most cases, our clients never talk with the IRS.We will enroll you in the audit assistance program offered by Tax Protection Plus, LLC and the American Advantage Association. Pls click here to read and download terms and conditions!